Sunday, February 12, 2012

He has a plan

Family and friends,
Again this week I was reminded of how little I know and how God really
does have a better plan than me. He just is sooo tricky sometimes
So on saturday I was pumped. 3 investigators were gonna come to church
on sunday! We had made plans with each of them so they were all ready
to come. And we even called almost the whole ward to tell them we were
having investigators come and that we needed their help. I prayed ALL
week and just knew sunday was gonna be awesome.
SO then sunday morning..... not ONE of them answered their phones. And
NOT one of them came.
I could have cried.
BUT then we had to meet the elders investigator at the metro and walk
her to chruch. SHE is amazing. She is golden. My comp and I were SOOOO
SAD but as we walked with her to church our spirits quickly rose.
Church was PERFECT for her. I thought all the work I had put into
getting my investigators to church was a waste, but on the contrary!
Because of our hard work they ward welcomed the elder's investigator
with loving arms. SHE LOVED IT. I sat next to her every hour and here
are a few of her comments (just so you know shes only met with the
elders 2 times and this was her very 1st sunday at chruch)
"I've prayed my whole life to find support and friends and I know God
has lead me here and know I've found it"
"I want to know ALL of the commandments so I can keep them all"
"When can I get baptized?"
OH MY GOSH SUCH A MIRACLE! God really is a so tricky sometimes. Right
when we want to throw our hands up and yelll " i give up!" He opens
our eyes and helps us to see that HE has a plan. And HE has a reason.
Gosh I've learned this over and over and yet I always forget! So don't
be like me. ALways remember God is the master planner. He knows us.
And He loves us. And He has a reason for everything.
i love you all! Thank you for your love and support! peace out, sister Tenney

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